Haug Quality Provides Industry Leading Package Leak Detectors, Bubble Leak Testing Equipment and Package Integrity Testing Products

At Haug Quality, we are at the forefront when it comes to package leak detector, bubble leak test equipment and package integrity testing equipment. Our Pack-Vac® package leak detectors guarantee customers will receive products with an unbroken package seal with our leak checking equipment. From the food industry, medial industry and others with similar applications, our package seal testing equipment will give companies an assurance that their packaging is effective and will arrive in tact for their customers. The Pack-Vac® leak detectors will catch defects before products get shipped out to customers, guaranteed. Many fortune 500 companies trust our bubble testing leak detection products and package leak detectors to monitor products before being sent off for distribution because our testing equipment will detect defects in a product’s seal right away before issues snowball to maximize production yield.

Haug has been the most trusted when it comes to leak detector testing equipment because our team is committed to manufacturing only premium leak testing equipment to our clients. There are multiple packaging testing methods for different applications to ensure closures, seals and seams will keep their integrity under different environmental conditions and when traveling at different altitudes. The seal integrity test methods may vary, however, our products can address any type of package seal test that is needed for a multitude of different applications.

Among the name brand companies that use our leak testing products are Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, Starbucks, Nestle, Kraft Dole and Pepsi just to name a few. For many years, they have recognized how dependable our Pack-Vac® package leak detectors are when it comes to making sure product seals are strong and will not become compromised during transit before a customer can enjoy them.

Our clients rave that package leak testing equipment has given consistent shelf life for many clients product, which has allowed them to extend their market reach because our testing products guarantee the freshness of delivered goods.

We designed our own hardware, electronics and programming to come up with a simple, reliable and reputable products that consistently out perform our competitors.

To join the top brands that have used our package leak detection products, contact us online for a consultation, request a quote online, or give us a call at (775) 455.4249